Monday, August 30, 2010

My Blog Spot

What can I say!  This is where I blog.  No desk, right on my lap with my, you guessed it, laptop.
This is my big old comfy and I might say ugly chair which is my domain.  You won't find anyone else plopping down in it when I am in the house.

As most of you know, we are in the throes of remodeling.  I am giving strong consideration into getting myself a comfy lounge chair, one of those pretty arm chair types with some kind of pretty fabric.  Haven't done much more than the thinking process, however.  Back to the blogging place.  This spot is in the den but it is really an open area into the dining area/kitchen.  I find it convenient to use recipes on my laptop from this spot.  It's pretty much the focal point of this area and, I don't think I miss a thing sitting here, someone building a train track or a funny commercial on tv.

Have a fun week everyone!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pink Saturday

This will probably be my last pink post Saturday for awhile.  Not only will I not have many pinks to display, but I'll be off to Norman OK for Saturdays this fall when OU meets an opponent.  Here are a few of my very favorite pinks, some you have seen before, but I just can't resist.

Allie loves wearing Grandmama's hat.  She will be two next month.  Where has the time gone!!

She's saying its much too hot in this Barbie dress!  It's makin me cranky.

Who can resist these pink roses.  Not me!

Have a wonderful pink Saturday.  Thanks for stopping  by.  Please come back again soon!


It seems like just yesterday some of us were whining about the cold and snow and wishing for warm weather.  Note, I said warm not hot.  And yes, I was probably one of the chief whiners, I freely admit it.  A week or so ago I began whining about the heat and the 100 + temperatures we were having.  This week has been so nice, here in Oklahoma, highs in the 80's a few showers and a real reprieve from those hot days.  It does seem that fall and football are right around the corner.  I've said it before and I am not ashamed to say it again, "I love the fall."  I think more than even the cooler temps, I look forward to the colors of fall, those browns, golds and oranges of the season.

This cooler weather got me in the mood for changing out some spring and summer pinks and whites and replacing them with the autumn hues.
For some reason I can hardly ever remember to take before pictures.  This first picture is of a crafting handiwork of my brother, who passed away several years ago.  I saw it in a craft magazine and showed it to him and he made it for me.  The mirror in the back slides out and at Christmas I slide a cross stitched Santa in and use poinsettias or some other Christmas greenery in the container.  This week I removed the summery bouquet and put in the fall stems.  I always think of my brother when I pass this display.  So, this is my after picture.  Notice how the glittered fruit caught the light.  You can tell I am a "real photographer!"
I used this picture in a pink post last summer when we did the pink bathroom.  I sent this picture to Granddaughter, Sarah, who is a new decorator and she said "only you, Grandmama, would take a picture of your bathroom."  I told her no way, my dear, you should see my blog friends, they are always blogging about their bathroom makeovers and posting pictures of them.

Here are a few fall things I've put out for fall.  Now I have to get new towels, a rug and and something new to put on the wall.  I am sure I will change this several times before I am satisfied with it.

Hope your weekend is fantastic.  Thanks for dropping by and especially a big thanks if you leave a comment.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


OK here's my rant.  Does anyone else have problems with blogger, said problems, space on your post?  When I insert a picture, it seems like there is always a huge space before or after it, which I can't seem to figure out.    I always have to go back and redo space in the HTML  and then it screws up and so and so on.  Do you have tips that I can use to get my posts spaced right?   I have tried several things and nothing seems to work.  It is probably some little simple thing that I just haven't figured out yet.  Also, I have problems with alighnment.  If there is a tutorial to explain these things, please tell me.  So many of you have such lovely blogs and then I preview mine, and it seems a mess.  Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

Monday, August 23, 2010


These are family pictures taken the day Jon, our grandson in law got back from Iraq. It was the day before his wife, our granddaughter, Sarah graduated from Austin Peay University in Tennessee. Sarah is expecting triplets in December. This was also the day before they started to move into their new (much larger) house.

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Meet Me Monday


1. What is your favorite kind of doughnut?

I love cake donuts.  I am not too fond of all that glazed sugar.

2. How often do you pray?

Usually at least once a day.  Sometimes more often.

3. What is your favorite kind of music?

I enjoy lots of different music with the exception of rap which I really just don't get.

4. What do you order when you eat Chinese food?

I almost always get Kung Pow Beef, I like the spiciness and the peanuts.

5. Would you rather snowboard in the winter or swim in the summer?
Sorry, I am not a summertime person.  I've always said I could put enuf clothes on to get warm, but I could not (legally) take off enuf to get cool.  I've always envied people who could tan, however, being a fair red haired person-it ain't happnin!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Where, oh where, is it?

Have you ever looked for something and it was right under your nose.  Yesterday, I started looking for a picture for the den wall.  It was of the Rialto Bridge in Venice and I had decided that it would look good with a shelf hung above it in a small area at the side of our tv.

Thus began my search, looked in all the bedrooms, all the closets, wherever I thought I might have put it.  All to no avail.  I looked high and low.

Today, my search began again.  This time Debra joined in the search.  All, once again to no avail.  We decided that son in law probably put it away in some strange and never used place.
So, later that evening while he was sitting at the computer, I asked him if he had seen said picture.  His answer, is that it in the foyer?  Lo, and behold, there it hung on the freshly painted entranceway wall with a pineapple sconce with a new candle hung beside it.
Talk about feeling dumb, duh!  Now I remember hanging it there!

Enough about that!
 Here's wishing all you little, big and middle size kiddos a great school year. 
And blessings to all you worn out Moms, a great year to you too.  And most of all, a good and fruitful year for all you teachers!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Baacckkk

I know, I know, I haven't posted in ages.  Things are shaping up around here.  Plus, we made a whirlwind trip to Tennessee to see Granddaughter, Sarah, graduate from Austin Peay Un.  More about that in another post. 
Now it's all about our house adventure. 
Below is a picture of my crystal/china cabinet empty and needing attention.  It took me several hours to get the dust and smears out of it.  You know here when "the wind comes sweepin cross the plains", it brings dust with it.

Doesn't it look pretty with everything all clean, inside and out.  I have quite a collection of crystal so it was a real job getting it ready to put back in.  I love this cabinet and all my crystal, especially those Partridge in a Pear Tree plates and Christmas ornaments.
We are really happy with the wall color.  I don't think the pictures do it justice.  It is a soft creamy gold.  The sun coming through the skylight changes the shade of it all day.  I think we will really enjoy it this winter on all those dark gloomy cold days we have.

This is a pretty good sample of the paint cover. Our kitchen, living and dining room are  painted this color.  The area is open concept so it works well using one color.  White just didn't seem to do this area justice.

These are my crosses getting ready to be hung back up.  I took a photo of how I had them hung and then it was easy to rehang them.  I love this and still have plenty of room to add more as I get new ones.

And, I just don't know how these next two pics got mixed up with house photos! 

Have a great day everyone and I promise to do better with my blogging now that things are settling down.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meet Me Monday


1. Do you watch any Soap Operas?

I have watched As The World Turns since it first began.  Of course, I couldn't keep up with it when I was working all those years but when I retired I started back and never missed a beat.  It saddens me that it is going off the air in September.  I also watched Guiding Light for many years, especially since I retired.

2. What appliance is used the most in your house?

Probably the microwave.  It seems someone is always nuking something, from breakfast to bedtime snacks.

3. Do you wear make-up every day?

Heavens no!  I used to when I worked but taint happnin now!

4. What is your worst pet-peeve?

People who throw nasty diapers on parking lots.  Don't know how many times I have stepped out of my car into a poopy diaper.  What kind of person would do that?  It really speaks no=class to me.

5. What is your favorite lunch meat?

I am not a real sandwich fan but, if I had to choose I would probably say Virginia Ham with swiss cheese.

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What a Mess Part 2

We are getting down to the nitty gritty in the kitchen and dining room.  Here are a few pictures of the rubble and why I haven't been posting much.

We moved the server in front of the window in order to store the flooring.  Yes, there is order in our chaos.  I could pretty much find anything that I needed.

We did have alot of dust when we took up the tile floors.  The glue was a real mess to try to get up but persistence paid off and we finally got it done.
Yes, that's flooring for the whole house.

This plastic did little or no good in trying to keep out the dust from the tile removal.  The china cabinet doors and shelves were completely white.  It has taken me nearly all day today off and on to get the glass and shelves clean and free of dust.

I love this picture of Hubs eating his lunch.  One clear spot by the staircase!

And yes, that is a wheelbarrow in the kitchen.  We used it to haul out the tile and rubble.  You will notice in the top picture there is a cabinet extending out into the floor.  In the lower picture, it's gone.  We took it out to give us more space in the kitchen.  We will get a wall cabinet for wine glasses and china for that wall.  The flooring is now down and looks really good.  Hopefully, I will get this room into some semblance of order tomorrow and will post more pictures.  Today, I spent most of the day cleaning my silver tea set.  I used the foil, salt, and soda method.  It worked really well and would probably be even better if I didn't let it get so tarnished to start with.  Does anyone have a good method to prevent tarnishing.  I'll take more pictures tomorrow and work progresses.  In the meantime, have a great weekend and a wonderful week

As always, thanks so much for stopping by and I love any comments you leave.