Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby Nurse

Guess who is in Tennessee helping with 3 babies. You guessed it, ME! They are really sweet. S and J started the 4 hour feeding schedule on Monday, the day we got here. They seem to be doing well on it, and that affords a little more sleep for the worn out parents. Last night I helped with the bath process and Konner preceded to poop big time and pee all over me and everything close-by. Needless to say, they even had to change the sheets on their bed when all was said and done. Oh well, just an integral part of babyhood. I cooked dinner last night, one of Sarah's favorites, salmon croquettes and mac and cheese.

Cloudy here today, may make a runs to Sam's and Walmart, haven't decided.

Have a great rest of week, I intend to.

1 comment:

Debbiedoos said...

How wonderful this is Maryann. The world and babies need you. Loved your visit and hope to see you again soon. Good luck with the babies.