Sunday, June 27, 2010

New or Old

When my hubs and I first married, we didn't have 2 nickels to rub together.  We bought an entire house or rather apartment of furniture for $100. We had saved for what seemed ages to get that money together.  We got a bed, chest of drawers, a red (oh it was an awful color) couch, with matching club chair, two end tables with matching coffee table, all ingeniusly made from formica.  Along with these gems, we got a dining  table of indescriminate wood with 4 out of this world chairs.  All of this was used of course, bought from one of my Mom's neighbors who was moving.  Oh, my goodness what that $100 bought and that was 55 years ago this month.

Years passed and these items were scratched, torn, spotted with who knows what, and I thought we would never be able to afford nice things.  Through the years we were handed down miscellaneous items  from our parents and family members.  It seemed we would never be able to have new things.  I dreamed about nice shiny new tables and chairs, new modern sofas  etc. 

Four children in five years later, we weren't  any nearer to buying  something new.  When we finally were able to buy new things, I loved the shiny brand new look and I still do.  I look now at lovely painted items and then someone distresses them.  I am sorry, I just don't get it.  I lived with distress for so many years and now see people distressing on purpose. What's that all about?? I know some of you young ones are laughing and distressing away.  That's okay, maybe someday you can have something shiny and new too.

We just bought this, now please don't hate me.

Guess we should have gotten along with this for a few more years.

Hope you all enjoy this little tongue in cheek post.  I don't wish you stress if you want distress!

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