Don' t really how to pick this up. Gone so long, life changed. Lost our girl, Julie in March of 15.
So many folks gone. One after the other. Can't write about all of them. Maybe I'll get back into this.
Love This Bloggin
An older woman's take on the 21st century.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Where in the world did July go?? I think this is the fastest summer that I can remember. We went on vacation in the early part of the month with Rick and Amy. Had a fantastic week in San Diego, zoo, cruise in the Pacific, Padres game, dinner at a fancy smancy place in La Jolla and the best Mexican food ever at Old Town Guadalahara restaurant. Oh my gosh those margaritas were fantastic. We stayed at the Sheraton on the Harbor, quite nice and saw the fire works every night from our balcony.
On our return trip, we stopped in Dallas, saw Danielle, had dinner at a hole in the wall Mexican place, yummy. We then went on to Rick's, spent a week in that area. We went to Natchitoches and saw Chelsea, Ethan and Julie, brought Julie back with us for food, fun, family and lots of swimming.
We got to spend time with Lauren's little ones. Wesley is so cute and Allie a beauty.
One evening we went to "the farm" and saw it for the first time. Its almost 400 acres of timber and we toured most of it in a rough and tumble ride. On our way home from the farm, we stopped at, guess what, a Mexican restaurant. Love that stuff.
Trying to get caught up here at home now. Quilting, made an OU wreath, etc. just passing time til football season starts later this month.
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Happy 4th
Have been busy doing nothing. I did get some packing done, in fact, it is sort of at a standstill until I do some laundry.
I haven't done any sewing this week, just trying to take a little break. I have lots that I need to do, but isn't going to happen.
I am trying to get used to the new blog programs, I have tried bloglovin and feedly, but to me after only using Google Reader since I began to read and write blogs, I feel they both have issues, but I will have to get used to it.
Once again, have a Happy and Safe 4th.

Sunday, June 30, 2013
I am not starting any new projects. I finished Chelsea and Ethan's quilt on Friday and now need to order backing fabric and send it off for quilting. They should have it by their anniversary.
We are going on vacation to San Diego and that area next weekend with Rick and Amy, so excited, since we haven't been on a real vacation in awhile. Rick has lots planned from sailing to a baseball game so, we are anxious to go.
The family was gone all last week to Lake Texoma and came home Friday. We've had a warm few days but is cooling off now, no weather complaints so far.
Hope everyone has a great week and a fabulous 4th of July!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Things on the quilting front seem to be coming along, finally, got backing fabric so one is folded and ready to go. Now its just get one quilted at a time. Costly yes, oh my.
On another front, we both went to the opthamologist this month and both of us have issues with our glasses. Back to the dr. tomorrow for JC since, he can't read from his new ones and to the tune of $800.00 +.Mine had to be reground three times but seem to be ok now, however, still having some left eye problems. Too much to go into in this little space.
We are looking forward to vacation next month with Rick and Amy. More on that later.
Hope you have a great week!!

Friday, June 21, 2013
I finished another quilt, wondering when or if, I will ever get another backing fabric. I ordered one for the floating charms and only after a day or two, did I find out that it was on backorder. I've never heard anymore from them and that was weeks ago. I have got to start writing down places, prices, dates, etc. of things I order. Most of the times a package comes and I never know who, where or what, etc. that it came from. Oh well, As I was typing this the UPS guy brought the backing I've been waiting for. It looks like a nice match.
Hope you have a nice weekend. I plan on it.

Monday, June 17, 2013
I continue to wonder how people can be gone two weeks to a foreign country, blog everyday they are gone and post pictures and then never miss a beat, finishing multiple quilt projects, run a home and business and on and on.
Somehow I have a time management problem. Two weeks ago I got new glasses, after a doctors visit, outlining problems and I might have some problems getting used to my new glasses. I kept noticing there was something wrong with my left lens, so took them back. They said they would have to be remade. Went back to get new glasses today, could not see a wink out of them. They have to be remade. Is this why I can't seem to get things done, its not me, its just that I can't focus, literally, LOL!
Had two extra folks for dinner tonight. I made taco salad and if I do say so myself, it was rather yummy. Several weeks ago while shopping away, I thought I was buying a tortilla salad kit. You know the cardboard thingies you buy,to bake and to put salad in. Well, it wasn't shells, it was little metal bowl things. I tried them and lo and behold, they are one of the top ten inventions ever made. They make perfect little taco salad holders. Time to find something I can do to help with my time management.
Had two extra folks for dinner tonight. I made taco salad and if I do say so myself, it was rather yummy. Several weeks ago while shopping away, I thought I was buying a tortilla salad kit. You know the cardboard thingies you buy,to bake and to put salad in. Well, it wasn't shells, it was little metal bowl things. I tried them and lo and behold, they are one of the top ten inventions ever made. They make perfect little taco salad holders. Time to find something I can do to help with my time management.

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